Commemoration of the bicentenary of the battle of Waterloo - 18 June 2015


On Thursday, 18 June 2015, the King and Queen of the Belgians and a host of other dignitaries from across Europe will attend the official Belgian federal government ceremony to commemorate the bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo at the Lion's Mound monument on the battle site.

The FPS Chancellery of the Prime Minister is one of the partners of the Organising Committee of the Official Belgian Federal Government Ceremony to Commemorate the Bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo.

Accreditation for media, organisers and service providers

Accreditation is required to gain access to the various press zones and location of the commemoration.

The accreditation issued by the Waterloo 1815-2015 ASBL non-profit association is not valid for the official ceremony.


Applications for accreditation for the official ceremony are now closed.